While your student is here at the University of Iowa, they will be celebrated and challenged as they charter their path through college. We encourage you to become familiar with the resources, offices, and departments available to support them on the following pages. Each page also includes conversation starters we hope you'll ask your student to empower them to find success within and outside of the classroom.
Celebrating Your Student
Parents and family members are encouraged to order through University Housing and Dining for any celebratory treats. For more information, check out the link and schedule a pick-up for your student today.
Main navigation
This calendar, produced by Parent and Family Programs and Orientation Services, is designed to serve as a resource for supporters of undergraduate students at Iowa. It includes important dates in the academic year, resources and contact information for offices, and conversation starters to engage your student to find success.

2024-2025 English Calendar
Download the 2024-2025 Family Calendar in English here.

2024-2025 Spanish Calendar
Descarga aquí el Calendario Familiar 2024-2025 en español.

2024-2024 Chinese Calendar
在此下載 2024-2025 年中文家庭日曆。