Let's Talk, Hawks!
Friday, February 14, 2020
Let's Talk, Hawks! is a drop-in consultation service offered by the University Counseling Service (UCS) at various campus locations. It provides you with an opportunity to have an informal, confidential, anonymous conversation with a UCS therapist.
2019 Novel Coronavirus updates
Thursday, January 30, 2020
The University of Iowa is monitoring reports and recommendations regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus from national and regional health agencies on a daily basis, and is taking safety precautions to detect and treat any potential case of the virus by following the latest guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control…
Vice president for student life candidates to participate in open forums
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The finalists for the University of Iowa’s vice president for student life will participate in open forums during the first two weeks of February. All forums will take place in the Iowa Theatre (room 166) of the Iowa Memorial Union.
Office of Student Financial Aid moves to UCC
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The UI Office of Student Financial Aid is now located at 2400 University Capitol Centre (UCC). The office hours, phone number, and email address remain the same. For more information, visit the Office of Student Financial Aid website.
Student Disability Services office to move to University Capitol Centre
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The University of Iowa Student Disability Services (SDS) office, currently located in the basement of Burge Residence Hall, will move into a new location on the first floor of University Capitol Centre. The university will lease 5,616 square feet of former retail space across from Panera.
Reams appointed Dean of Students
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Angie Reams has been appointed the University of Iowa’s associate vice president and dean of students. She has served in the interim role since January 2019.
Helpful information for students who stay on campus over break
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Staying on Campus?Housing is available during winter break and a $300 required charge to be assessed for staying all or part of break. Apply for winter break housing by 12:00 p. m. (noon), Wednesday, December 13 to qualify.
News from the Nest / Nov. 2019
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
As the days get shorter and busier, take time to communicate with your students. On campus, we are in the midst of midterms, projects, and fall activities. Ask them how they’re holding up, and if they’ve had time to enjoy fall.
PFN Episode 10: Iowa City in the Summer
Monday, October 28, 2019
Iowa City in the summer time is an experience that many students stay to enjoy! On this episode of the Parent Family Network, we sit down with Joe Reilly, Nighttime Mayor of Downtown Iowa City.
PFN Episode 9: Academic Support Resources
Monday, October 28, 2019
Final exams are approaching and with one semester under their belt, students might be wondering about good campus resources to help support their academic goals.