Concern: Homesickness
What you can do: Create a communication plan. By establishing specified times when you will call/text your student and setting expectations about how often you’ll communicate, students can achieve autonomy while still feeling support from back home. Also, you may want to encourage your student to stay on campus rather than making frequent visits home.
Concern: Test anxiety/struggling in at least two classes
What you can do: Suggest that your student speak with their instructors about any potential concerns, seek out study groups, and visit campus help labs. Tutor Iowa ( is an excellent resource for finding academic assistance and mentoring.
Concern: Not studying enough
What you can do: Recommend that your student go beyond using campus academic support resources and focus on building time management skills (creating a daily/weekly schedule, for example). Students should expect to spend two to three hours studying outside of class per semester hour.
Concern: Financial worries
What you can do: Advise your student to seek out assistance through the Office of Student Financial Aid, Student Employment, or Financial Literacy Services. Counselors will meet with students one-on-one to provide personalized, in-depth loan counseling, discuss repayment options, provide budget assistance, and address any other financial concerns.
Concern: COVID-19
What you can do:
Student Care and Assistance in the Office of the Dean of Students, 319-335-1162, can connect students with the right resources.